The following are changes to the Tropico map editor with version 1.03 Note - the only .EXE file that has been updated is TROPICO.EXE. The supplemental editor utilities (EVENTADD.EXE and EVENTGET.EXE) have not changed. ******************************************** ** CHEAT CODES ******************************************** --- Added ONEMONTH - advance the date by one month SIXMONTHS - advance the date by six months ONEYEAR - advance the date by one year FIVEYEARS - advance the date by five years TENYEARS - advance the date by ten years TWENTYYEARS - advance the date by twenty years THIRTYYEARS - advance the date by thirty years --- The "I" key will now show you the grid coordinates of your mouse. This will be useful for some of the new events (Pollution, Crime, AddUnemployed, AddRebel) described below. --- Pressing CTRL and SHIFT when clicking on 'Begin Regime' or on 'OK' in the last page of the dictator setup screen ("Summary Page") will cause the map to generate without people or buildings. ******************************************** ** VARIABLES ******************************************** --- Added the following variables: LocationX - the X coordinate of the current mouse location on the grid (view the grid with the G key) LocationY - the Y coordinate of the current mouse location on the grid (view the grid with the G key) Range - a number used to specify a range in clusters for certain effects described below (view the cluster grid with the C key) LocationX and LocationY can be determined by using the "I" key cheat given above. --- Added Random0ToMapWidth and Random0ToMapHeight which will return a random number from 0 to the map width (or height in the second case). ******************************************** ** CONDITIONS ******************************************** --- Added the following conditions to check if any of the edicts (other than the individual unit edicts) are currently in effect EdictIndustryAdCampaign EdictTaxCut EdictAirPollutionStandards EdictFoodForThePeople EdictSpecialBuildingPermit EdictRussianDevelopmentAid EdictPraiseRussia EdictTradeDelegationToRussia EdictAllianceWithRussia EdictUSDevelopmentAid EdictPraiseUS EdictTradeDelegationToUS EdictAllianceWithUS EdictTourismAdCampaign EdictPanCarribeanGames EdictTheHeadliner EdictMardiGras EdictAmnesty EdictMartialLaw EdictEarlyElection EdictOpenTheJails EdictInquisition EdictEyeForAnEye EdictContraceptionBan EdictPapalVisi EdictBookBBQ EdictProhibition EdictAntiLitterOrdinance EdictLiteracyProgram EdictSensitivityTraining EdictUnionBusting Use these conditions as in the following example (this will meet the condition if the edict "Industry Ad Campaign" is currently in effect Condition EdictIndustryAdCampaign --- Added the condition day to allow you check for a specific day Ex. Condition day=10 will cause the event to only trigger on the 10th day of the month. NOTE: all months have 28 days --- Added condition UnitIsElectionOpponent to be used with LoopThroughAllUnits. Will evaluate to TRUE if the current unit is the opponent in an election. ******************************************** ** EFFECTS ******************************************** --- Added the Unit effect UnitDieFromSickness which will cause any unit meeting the conditions to die. This is only for use with LoopThroughAllUnits Ex. GeneralEffect SetTo UnitDieFromSickness 1 --- Added the building effect BuildingCollapse which will cause any building meeting the conditions to collapse. This is only for use with LoopThroughAllBuildings Ex. General Effect SetTo BuildingCollapse 1 --- Added the effect Pollution which will increase the pollution at coordinate (LocationX, LocationY) out to a range (in clusters - press the C key to view the cluster grid) specified by the range value. The amount of increase is passed by use. A value of 2 will turn a totally green area to totally red in 3 years. Ex. GeneralEffect SetTo LocationX 100 GeneralEffect SetTo LocationY 100 GeneralEffect SetTo Range 5 GeneralEffect AddTo Pollution 2 This will increase the pollution value by 2 in a 5 cluster radius around coordinate 100,100 --- Added the effect Crime which will increase the crime at coordinate (LocationX, LocationY) out to a range (in clusters - press the C key to view the cluster grid) specified by the range value. The amount of increase is passed by use. Ex. GeneralEffect SetTo LocationX 100 GeneralEffect SetTo LocationY 100 GeneralEffect SetTo Range 5 GeneralEffect AddTo Crime 2 This will increase the crime value by 2 in a 5 cluster radius around coordinate 100,100 --- Added the following events to give the player free buildings. The number passed as an argument is the number of buildings of that type that are allowed to be built for free FreeTourismBuildings FreeFactory FreeCigarFactory FreeRumDi stillery FreeJewelryFactory FreeCannery FreeLumberMill FreePowerPlant FreeMine FreeFarm FreeStadium FreeEmbassy FreeCollege FreeCathedral FreeHospital FreeRadioStation FreeTVStation FreeNewspaper FreeImmigrationOffice FreeArmory FreeBank FreeHouse FreeTenement FreeApartment FreeLuxuryHouse FreeBunkhouse FreeAirport FreeGuardTo wer FreeConstructionOffice FreeTeamstersOffice FreeCheapHotel FreeHotel FreeLuxuryHotel FreeDock Ex. GeneralEffect SetTo FreeGuardTower 4 will allow the player to place 4 guard towers for free (conditions for placing the buildings must still be met - in this case, the player must still have enough generals). --- Added the effect AddUnemployed which will add a number of unemployed units that you specified with the parameter to the map at the location specified by LocationX,LocationY Ex. GeneralEffect SetTo LocationX 100 GeneralEffect SetTo LocationY 100 GeneralEffect SetTo AddUnemployed 3 will place 3 unemployed units on the map at location 100,100 --- Added the effect AddRebel which works exactly the same as AddUnemployed, only it places rebels --- Added the effects USRelationship and RussiaRelationship which can be used to modify the player's relationship with one of the superpowers Ex. GeneralEffect AddTo USRelationship -20 lowers the player's relation with the US by 20 --- Added effect BldgFireWorkers, to be used with LoopThroughAllBuildings, which causes all workers at the current building to be fired Ex. GeneralEffect SetTo BldgFireWorkers 1 --- Added effect BldgEvictResidents, to be used with LoopThroughAllBuildings, which causes all residents at the current building to be evicted Ex. GeneralEffect SetTo BldgEvictResidents 1 --- Added effects GoldRevenue IronRevenue BauxiteRevenue RumRevenue PineappleRevenue which (like all Revenue effects) will change the export price for those products by the percentage you indicate Ex. GeneralEffect AddTo GoldRevenue -50 lowers the export price of gold by 50% ******************************************** ** BUG FIXES ******************************************** --- Rebels manually placed on the map will now tend to stay rebels --- Fixed a bug whereby if you put LTD on an condition, all subsequent conditions assumed LTD as well --- Fixed a problem with the following conditions not recording LTD stats GSNumberFarmers GSNumberLumberjacks GSNumberMiners GSNumberFac toryWorkers GSNumberTourists GSNumberTourismWorkers GSNumberSoldiers GSNumberRebels GSNumberResidents GSHappyResidents GSContentResidentsGSUnhappyResidents GSBuildingsValue GSProtesters NOTE: These are only updated at the end of the year NOTE: These will accumulate the total number of that type each time they are called. If you evaluate GSNumberTourists once per year and a tourist stays on your island over 2 year endings, he will be counted twice. NOTE: There are other conditions for which LTD still hasn't been implemented. --- Fixed a bug where jewelry revenue was being affected by the effect FishRevenue rather than JewelryRevenue --- Fixed a bug where mineral revenue was being affected by the effect FishRevenue rather than MineralRevenue --- Fixed a bug where the effect CoffeeRevenue was not affecting freeze dried coffee --- Fixed a small bug in eventadd.exe that would cause problems if the folder with the map events in it had the 'archived' flag set. ******************************************** ** MISCELLANEOUS ******************************************** --- For unit types that can be male or female (i.e. farmers), hold down the left shift key while placing to force them to be female, and the right shift key to force them to be male.